Get On The Road With 18 Wheeler Financing

Do your credit problems prevent you from being able to receive proper financing? Are you a new driver or business owner trying to break into a tough industry? Is poor or misreported credit the only thing that stands in the way of financing your truck? Capital Solutions is an 18 wheeler financing firm that offers you all the benefits of financing your own Semi without restrictions such as credit rating or type of collateral. While it is important to remember that all companies have conditions that need to be met prior to business financing, Capital Solutions offers you a comprehensive, honest and customer-friendly solution.

For nearly half a decade now, the trucking industry has suffered significant setbacks. Thousands of drivers and owners have suffered the loss of homes, commercial establishments and other financial woes including bankruptcy and foreclosure. The biggest challenge is often the loss of a job as it limits a driver’s or owner’s ability to make payments. After serving the trucking community for over a decade and a half, we understand that:

  • A poor credit rating may not always be the owner’s or driver’s fault.
  • Traditional financiers are very stringent with their credit criteria.
  • New buyers also find it hard to have a sufficient credit score in order to qualify for financing.
  • Pre-approval requires a significant amount of paperwork.

The importance of the trucking community is seen in the simple statistic that in 2011, over two-thirds –that is over 66% of freight tonnage in the United States — was delivered by trucks. As the driver or owner of an 18 wheeler, dump truck or any heavy vehicle, Capital Solutions offers you the opportunity to set up and grow your business into a profitable venture. We can do this by:

  • Offering financing with no credit score requirements.
  • Our financing options are flexible and based on your specific needs.
  • We offer financing on paid-off trucks and other collateral including property.
  • Our plans work for new buyers who are looking to build creditworthiness.
  • We offer 18 wheeler financing pre-approval over the phone.

18 Wheeler Financing For People With Bad Credit

At Capital Solutions, you, the customer comes first. Our experience in the trucking and finance industries has helped us tailor our solutions to customers who have bad credit but who wish to transform the credit that they have into a profitable road freight operation. To escape the vicious cycle of poor credit, fill out our application for 18 wheeler financing and get on the road to a better life.

Call Capital Solutions Today Or Complete Our Commercial Truck Financing Application