Semi Truck Loans For Truckers With Bad Credit

Everyone in trucking understands that driving is a tough business full of hard work and long hours. Not only that, but the big bills associated with owning your own truck or trucks mean that it is all too easy for a rough patch to send your business head over heels. At Capital Solutions, we have been working with truckers for well over a decade, so by now we have seen it all. If you need financing to get a semi truck loan but you have less than sparkling credit, you might want to give us a call.

Our specialty is helping truckers with bad credit find creative financing solutions. We know that without a truck, you can’t get back to work and back on top of your bills. The first thing you need is a realistic semi truck loan. Even if you have been turned down by others, give us a try. We can’t work with everyone, but we do our best to find solutions to even the hardest cases. Call us if:

  • You have recently gone through bankruptcy.
  • Your vehicle has been repossessed.
  • You are a young or new driver without a credit history.
  • You are thinking of buying a used truck from a private dealer or at auction.
  • You would like to use a cosigner.

If you are a trucker, then you need a truck. If bad credit is getting in your way, we are here to help. In many cases, we can find alternate ways to finance a semi truck loan like putting up other trucks as collateral or by bringing in a cosigner. We have been doing this for long enough that we have a realistic view of the options, and we might be able to help where others cannot.

We work with all the major manufacturers including:

  • Kenworth
  • Freightliner
  • Peterbilt
  • Mack
  • International
  • Etc.

Because we understand trucks we can help you to make a sensible purchase, and we are happy to look at vehicles up to ten years old (or older depending on conditions). We also let you choose where you want to buy your truck, whether it be from a private seller, a dealership, or auction.

Need A Semi Truck Loan?

We invite you to fill out our application so that we can begin to resolve your financing problems and get you a good semi truck loan. Rest assured that thanks to the rocky economy, you are not alone in your troubles. We have been helping truckers get back on the road for a long time. We have heard it all before and we want to hear your story. Call today and see what we can do for you.

Call Capital Solutions Today Or Complete Our Semi Truck Loan Application

Semi Truck Financing